May 30, 1980
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this
Commercial Item Description in lieu of Federal Specification RR-C-430.
Salient characteristics. One set of pole gaffs and one set of three gaffs shall be furnished with each climb or set. Gaffs shall be forged of AISI 4340 or equivalent steel, annealed, hardened and tempered to Rc 45-55. They shall be firmly affixed using a positive locking method. Gaff replacements shall be supplied by original manufacturer only.
The straight type legirons shall be furnished and shall be adjustable in length by the use of telescoping sleeves from approximately 15 to 19 inches. They shall be forged of AISI 8640 or equivalent steel and heat treated to Rc 30-40. A standard stirrup and a split ring fastening for the ankle strap shall be provided.
Straps for attaching climbers shall be made of neoprene impregnated nylon having a minimum of four plies of thickness, folded to one inch, allowing no exposed raw edges and having not less than 300 pounds tensile strength per inch of width when assembled, using a straight pull.
Ankle straps, when assembled to ring, shall measure a minimum of 26”; calf straps a minimum of 22”.
Calf pads shall be L-shaped and shall be made of neoprene impregnated nylon or equal. The vertical section shall have internal padding.
Testing. The legiron, when cold, shall be bent through an angle of 180o around a 2” diameter mandrel without fracture or cracking.
The gaffs shall withstand without fracture a bend away from the legiron which permanently deflects the tip at least 3/8” with respect to the ridge on the upper section of the gaff. The radius of the bend shall be approximately 5/8”.
All legirons and gaffs shall be magnaflux inspected. There shall be no evidence of cracks or other discontinuous.
Workmanship. All parts and components shall be free of forging laps, seams, visible cracks and cross grinding marks. Cutting edges of the gaffs shall be sharp and ground smooth. There shall be no defects which may affect serviceability, durability or appearance.
Certification. The contractor shall certify that the product offered meets the salient characteristics of this commercial item description and that the product conforms to the producer’s own drawings, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices and is the same product offered for sale in the commercial marketplace. The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance prior to first delivery and thereafter as may be otherwise provided for under the provisions of the contract.
Regulatory requirements. The manufacturer shall utilize recovered materials to the maximum extent practicable.
Packaging, packing and marking. The packaging and packing shall be in accordance with normal commercial practice and packed to assure acceptance by common carrier and provide product protection against loss and damage during multiple shipments, handling, and storage. The shipping container shall be in compliance with the National Motor Freight Classification and Uniform Freight Classification. Marking shall be as specified in the contract or order.
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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