MIL --- DTL --- 51222E(EA)
lot represented. Failure of any sample item to conform to any minor characteristic may be
cause for rejection of the lot represented. For test.
(a) Carbon testing.
(1) Samples for moisture testing. A sample of carbon shall be taken during the filling
of the first and last filter manufactured each day. Each carbon sample taken during the filling of
those 2 filters shall weigh at least 100 grams. Each sample shall be placed in an open container
whose diameter is such that the depth of the carbon will be 1.5¦0.5 inches deep. Those samples
of carbon shall be exposed to the same conditions of temperature and humidity as their
associated filters and be used for subsequent moisture testing. Concurrent with or immediately
following the packaging of the filters corresponding to each carbon sample, each of the carbon
samples shall be tested for moisture content in accordance with 4.4.3. If any of the carbon sam-
ples taken that day fails to meet the moisture requirement in 3.6, the production run of filters
fabricated that day shall be rejected.
(2) Samples for CK life testing. For each lot, eight (8) samples of carbon, each sam-
ple of carbon weighing at least 100 grams, shall be taken at random times during the filling of 8
respective filters and placed in an open container. Those samples shall be exposed to the same
conditions of temperature and humidity as their associated filters. The samples shall then be
sealed in their containers and sent to the Government for subsequent CK life testing. The Gov-
ernment will determine the minimum CK life for 4 of the 8 samples for each lot in accordance
with 4.4.6. If CK life is at least 57 minutes for each of four carbon samples, accept the lot; other-
wise, perform CK testing on the remaining 4 carbon samples to accumulate CK life data on all 8
samples from the same lot. If CK life is less than 50 minutes for any of the 8 samples, reject the lot
(b) Filter testing. Each filter shall be tested for air flow resistance (4.4.1) and leakage
(4.4.2). Any filter failing air flow resistance or leakage requirements shall be rejected and re-
moved from the lot, and then replaced, if possible (see 4.3.1), by one from the same lot which
passes such requirements. Following leakage testing, filters shall be packaged using the same
methods, materials, equipment, and processes as will be used during regular production. After
moisture analysis of the carbon samples (see, the packaged sample filters which pass
the moisture requirement in 3.6 shall be forwarded to the Government and subjected to rough
handling in accordance with 4.4.4. Following rough handling, sample filters shall be tested by the
Government for DMMP life in accordance with 4.4.5. If any sample from the lot fails to meet the
requirements for rough handling and DMMP life, the lot represented shall be rejected.
4.3.4 Inspection characteristics. Critical characteristics are characteristics whose noncon-
formance to specified requirements is likely to result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for indi-
viduals using, maintaining, or depending upon the product or whose nonconformance to
specified requirements is likely to prevent performance of the tactical function of a major end
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